Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Mōkai Pātea, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Awa

Te Hāpori Ora – The Village of Wellbeing

Kim is a Kaituruki Ora, a facilitator of many mediums. She has been walking alongside whānau, hapū and communities for the past 29 years. A Kaituruki Ora is simply a guardian of wellbeing space, to share kai of all forms, to develop our indigenous race. A practitioner who is required to look beyond, to facilitate safe spaces of learning or healing. Within this role, it is imperative to remain reflective, without judgement and challenge, respectfully, for the greater good of those we serve.

Servicing Community Hauora – Collectively, Consciously, Effectively

"The Voices of our Kaitiaki ora”

This presentation celebrates the value of community mobilisation and co-design within the scope of the transformation of all forms of violation, while focussing on whānau, hapu and community wellbeing development.

Can service users go on to be service providers within the transformation of all forms of violation? The answer is Yes! These Kaitiaki Ora, Wellbeing Practitioners, live with vision, and today we have collectively created a company to serve our wider communities. Te Hāpori Ora, The Village of Wellbeing has been birthed to celebrate our collective vision, within Tūwharetoa, transforming social development spaces.

We bring to life a conceptual framework depicting the evolution history of the virtual village of wellbeing. It is our belief if we provide spaces where peoples voices are genuinely heard. With appropriate supports to maintain and sustain their vision. We can achieve anything.

Their indigenous narratives are vital to ensuring we are accomplishing true co-design with communities whilst ensuring they can take ownership and repatriate themselves, to serve within their whānau hapū and communities, Nau mai haere mai come journey with us a while.