Anei Rā Te Whānau - Nā Geneva Hildreth
The words to this waiata were written by Geneva Hildreth, Ngāpuhi with the support of her brother-in-law. The purpose was to create a memorable moment for a training presentation she was giving. Geneva was working in the Secure Unit at Kingslea Girls Home at the time of writing the waiata. Hence the connection to the tune “On the Inside”, the theme song for the Australian soap opera Prisoner.
Geneva took the waiata ‘Anei rā te whānau’ with her when she went to work at Taha Māori, Queen Mary Hospital. She gifted the waiata Anei rā te whānau to Taha Māori when she left.
Anei rā te whānau is ‘famous’ in the alcohol and other drug sector, in particular through those who were part of Taha Māori.
Anei rā te whānau has its own wairua journey and over the years continues to cross Geneva’s path, bringing back many memories.
Anei rā te whānau has been part of a documentary, during this time Geneva gained permission for the tune to be used from Alan Caldwell who wrote ‘On the Inside’. The waiata is internationally known and was recorded firstly by Big Belly Woman and then by Kataraina Pipi.
Te Oro Tapu is grateful for the kōrero given by Geneva and permission to have Anei rā te whānau recorded by Kataraina Pipi (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Hine) as one of the spirit sparkles.
The whakapapa of Anei rā te whānau was given to Terri Cassidy by Geneva on 24 December 2020, aku mihi nui ki a koe Geneva.
Geneva Hildreth, Ngāpuhi
Kataraina Pipi, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Hine